A Quick Guide To What is Automated Regression Testing


You've had the experience. You make a minor modification and then a part of your code ceases to function. There are only a few hours to an important release, and the panic begins to set in. What if changing one thing result in everything falling over? Then a coworker recalls an obscure bug that was discovered some time ago. Could this be the same problem? You just have to be aware of the method to test it. Regression testing is the place where it will be considered.

Simply put, automated regression testing is about ensuring that the old bugs don't return to attack you. Wikipedia says that it's done to make sure that previously-tested and developed software continues to function in the same way even after it's changed or integrated to other programs. 

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Regression testing, more specifically, is the process of ensuring that the software will continue to function as expected after making any modifications. It's about making sure there isn't any regression in the functionality of the software , and also ensuring whether the latest code isn't creating a issue that might not have been properly addressed.

If you're trying to meet a tight deadline, it's tempting to think that since your unit tests have were passed and the basic smoke test passes, then your code is now ready to go live. But, due to their nature smoke tests only test only a tiny portion of the codebase. They're intended to test the basic functionality, not to test every aspect. In contrast, regression testing is designed to run all relevant tests to verify that there aren't any regressions. Thus regression testing is as crucial as unit testing or testing of new features, but is not a distinct thing from any of them.

How can I create a Regression testing suite?

There are a variety of methods to build an effective Regression test set. To ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency in a time-strapped execution you can consider several options. Create an automated regression testing suite by with groups that test the full capabilities of the application. It is possible to group regression tests by functions, features integrations, functions, or some other related area of logic. When you use this method of regression testing it is necessary to execute the group for each release during the form of a rotation. 

If, for instance, you divide the regression testing cycles in four groups, you run one set per release. This requires four releases to run the entire testing suite of regression tests. You can also run the groups of regression tests that are relevant to the most recent version for payment functions, like when the cart checkout function has been changed.

Alternately, you could look into continuous testing, which means that testing goes on regardless of deadlines for release. In this case, the QA testing team does its job of testing any new bugs and features and then performs manual regression tests when it is possible. Automated regression tests can be executed when it is convenient, for instance during weekends or at night -In this instance there isn't a separate regression testing schedule The regression tests continue to be carried out.

No matter which method you select you will need to follow these five steps when you are creating your regression test suite:

Classify high-priority tests

Create smoke tests

Mix in some tests that are manual

Verify integrations

Evaluate the performance

1. Make sure you prioritize your tests for regression

In the process of developing a regression test suite, the most important aspect includes tests considered crucial or of high importance. Tests with high priority focus on the primary aspects or the basic processes of the application. Tests that test for essential functions could test back-end engines, APIs and database connections, or the performance of these components. Important workflows could also comprise features that are based on UI.

Prioritize your goals and then define what they are. After that, go through all the functional tests you have and give them a priority. If you don't have any existing tests, you can prioritize them as you design them. Make the tests that are critical first, proceed to the next level. Tests that are critical and high-priority look for issues that require quick solutions. An issue in the critical or high-priority function or applications can stop the software from functioning properly or causes significant issues within the workflow. 

This can cost clients money and time because of delays in work or the need to rework. When these functions are not functioning they have an immediate financial impact on the business, and they require additional time and resources to fix.

Take into consideration codeless automation, or automated tests based on code for essential functions. Applause Codeless Automation (ACA) will help you automate a portion of the regression testing suite to verify crucial features without writing one line of code. If you run important regression tests each when a build is made it will be possible to identify these types of problems quickly, before they affect clients, QA testers or the developers trying to get a new release ready for release.

2. Create smoke tests

When you are putting your most critical and important test results into an regression set-up, identify it as"smoke" or "smoke testsuite" and run it every day every two weeks, or bi-weekly with every update. Make sure to run the smoke tests before any other testing is scheduled to prevent unnecessary shutdowns and the delay in work.

Make your tests automated by using ACA and scripted test to save significant amounts of time. If you keep your tests as simple, such as with a couple of confirmation points, this makes it easier to conduct failure analysis. Don't try to test every function with smoke tests. Instead, test the code base as wide as is possible on a non-superficial scale. Why? The benefit of test automation is identifying flaws in workflows that are frequent and impact the operation for your software. Be sure that your smoke test tool is concise and has high value.

Conduct these tests regularly and prior to the release date, and every time the build is modified. It may also be beneficial to run some tests in production to test the impact of changes to the back-end system that don't directly impact users. If you are adding bugs fixes or last-minute improvement features to an update in the final stagesof development, you'll need an e-smoke regression test suite.

3. Do some manual work

Then, you can create a set of tests to test the fundamental capabilities of the application. These are typically workflows that which automated tools are unable to handle because of the integrated complex interplays involved. While this fundamental functional regression testing suite includes workflows that may not be essential to the function of the application but they are commonly used to create workflows for users.

Manual regression tests could include exploratory tests of the test case , which automatization wouldn't take care of. Manual regression tests may also cover all-to-all or system workflows which are lengthy and complicated which is not a good match for automation.

Functional regression test suites for basic functional tests ensure that your code is clean and provide positive customer feedback to your application

4. Test the integrations

Create a regression test suite that examines your API connections along with back-end messaging engines as well as feeds. Test any integrated process the application requires, but users don't know about. It's true that creating an automated regression test suite for these kinds of processes is time-consuming and often requires IT or a developer assistance, but it's definitely worth the effort.

It isn't necessary to cover all areas. Make tests that test the quality of, or at a minimum, take note of every step in a legitimate manner, similar to the previous groups. Most of the time, QA testers don't have direct access to the processes running behind the scenes. However, tests need to assess these functions even when they appear superficial. If back-end processes such as APIs failures or connections to data fail, this is apparent for the end user. 

Let QA users access to the tools and tools to review and write functional tests in the backend of. Spend some time with developers if needed, but it'll be well worthwhile in the event that you can prevent every single failure from happening in these processing engines that are crucial to business.

5. Don't forget to mention the performance

Testing for performance is a four-letter word for most development companies. Why? If the program is working, many will consider it to be sufficient. But how good is it?

In the event that the users experience shifts in performance each time a new version is released this can be confusing to the user. If the application becomes slower with every release for crucial workflow features, then the user loses faith in your software. In this situation the frustration increases since the user is unable to determine if the application is functioning or is stalled. Long wait times waste your users' time, and can negatively impact their productivity.

Simple or complex the regression test suite needs to be able to account for testing performance. The performance won't improve itself and will eventually cause your application to fail in the event that you don't fix the issue. A lot of people don't view the speed of your system to be a crucial element, however it can greatly impact the perception of customers about your application. Create a performance regression suite or an instrument for performance testing, and/or simple, manual test that look for troublesome areas. Read more blogs like test automation best practices at bourious.